2009-2010 Project 6 Narrative 2 Films

Building on junior year, senior film students learn more advanced cinematography skills and lighting techniques using the Panasonic 100B prosumer camera. Based on an original story written in English, they write a ten minute screenplay, storyboard, cast actors, block scenes, shoot footage and edit projects using advanced techniques in both Final Cut Pro and Adobe After Effects. Feel free to watch other Freestyle student films on our galleries or Freestyle YouTube Channel.

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Please choose a video below

Amanda Zimmerman
Sena Absar
Room For Three
Arielle Sarnoff
Michael Roccaforte
Christian Armada
Talina Rapo
The Adventure of the Missing Vermin
Conner Cousins
Mark Acosta
Fatal Flaws
Daniel Kirsch
Kyle Laffey
Dress Up
David Reid
Heidy Boch
Juliana Walton
The Guest
Emily Munoz
Natalie Hon
Words To Tell Trailer
Eric Cook
Natalie Rich
Zachary Schramm
Words To Tell
Eric Cook
Natalie Rich
Zachary Schramm
On A String
Hanae Aoki
Robbie Hinson
Luc Delamare
Michaela Stewart
Fly Trap
Noorin Dorosti
Toni Ilano