2010-2011 Project 6 Narrative 2 Films

Building on junior year, senior film students learn more advanced cinematography skills and lighting techniques using the Panasonic 100B prosumer camera. Based on an original story written in English, they write a ten minute screenplay, storyboard, cast actors, block scenes, shoot footage and edit projects using advanced techniques in both Final Cut Pro and Adobe After Effects. Feel free to watch other Freestyle student films on our galleries or Freestyle YouTube Channel.

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Danielle Grant
Layla Kovacevic
Davida McFadden
Character X
Callie Dick
Rachel Wood
Easter's Coming Soon
Julia Mandeberg
Magali Gauthier
Hit The Road Jack
Blake Thiessen
Susie Reynolds
Home in Savannah
Catherine Halliday
Sierra Hackney-Miller
Rachel Weinberg
Rosie Struve
Olaf Bratkowsky
Anya Schultz
Max Kibler
Nicholas Lindley
Tyler Cash
The Concealed
Daniel Negrete
Jacob Hampel
Jimmy Tran
The Concealed Trailer
Daniel Negrete
Jacob Hampel
Jimmy Tran
The Final Act
Ben Malenka
Blake Bowers
The Present
Helen Owen
Kimberly Fletcher
Vocal Journey
Andrew Barth
Andrew Haughey