About this Podcast

Salty Fans is a sports podcast, and we covered the entire NFL postseason for our first episode. We tried to keep it family friendly, whilst also maintaining a level of immaturity. The end product was a podcast filled very passive-agressive references and plenty of sarcasm. Enjoy!

Podcaster Bio

Salty Fans is written and Produced by Akshur Ananth and Toby Teksler. Akshur Ananth is a senior at Los Altos High School and Freestyle Academy. His interests include spectating professional sports and most related content.


The podcast unit challenged us to tell a story with our voices. We were challenged to script, record, and edit our podcasts to demonstrate our abilities. For Salty Fans, I took inspiration from the weekly sportsball series by urinatingtree on youtube for the overall format of the podcast, whilst adding our own spin and jokes to the script.


We faced some unique scheduling issues during the process of making the podcast. the podcast was due 5 days after the superbowl, giving us 5 days to script an entire segment, record it, and piece the whole thing together. The freestyle web server was down when we needed it to edit, cutting off our access to Pro Tools, forcing us to edit audio using Premier Pro, a video editing software. I’m glad to say that it turned out fine, but the extra two hours we spent trying to edit on premier will always be embedded into this work.