Welcome to my music video website! This unit was all about expressing creativity within a group by making a music video. This is our sixth project that we have done at freestyle. On this website you will find my Music video that my group and I produced and recorded as well as the lyrics that are sung in it. You will also find a photogallery that includes production shots during the making of our music video. The goals of production were to create a website as well as a music video as fast as possible. For making the music video, we were grouped up in 4 with two web students and two film students. My role in production was to make the music and master it, making it sound good and presentable.
This is our video that we made! Please enjoy it!
Lyrics for Music Video.
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This unit in design we were challenged with making a music video poster as well as a CD label using various programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, as well as InDesign. Designing my music poster I wanted to capture the idea of something surreal/psychedelic within the piece itself. I brainstormed a lot of ideas to make this poster but when it came time to make the poster, it came down to one idea. This idea was putting the moon and a star photo behind the mountains. After taking all the necessary photos that I needed, I then had to go into Photoshop and edit all the photos to make them look good for printing. I first started off by putting in the mountains and overlaying the two mountains over each other. After I put both of those images in I then began to edit the moon, and soon after inserted it behind the mountains. Once that was all done, I took the star photo that I had and put it into Photoshop and began the editing process. Once I put it in behind the mountains and the moon, I began to move all the images around until I finally reached the point where I thought it was acceptable. I had to portray that the music my artists were making were trance/psychedelic and I believe that this composition portrayed that effectively. Please enjoy!