
1/60 f2.8 ISO640

The thing that inspires me the most about the future is becoming more confident in myself and my gender identity. I can’t wait to see the person I’ll be 5, 10, or 20 years from now and how I’ll look. I also can’t wait to meet more trans people and hopefully bring more trans joy into the world.

This photo looks like a childhood bedroom. This resonates with me because I’m leaving home soon to go to college. When we go into the future, we leave parts of our life behind, but our core parts of who we are will always be with us.

In Photoshop I used many screen layers to make this photo brighter. I wanted to make it seem dreamlike and joyful so I decreased the contrast and added a pink tint.

This is my last photo blog. I think I have grown a lot throughout this process. Even though it was a lot of work, I did enjoy taking photos every week. In the beginning, I used to only like taking closeups with a shallow depth of field. But I think I grew out of my comfort zone and focused more on staging/cinematography in my photos. I’m glad that I now have a portoflio of everything I’ve done. I’ll definitely do photography in the future if I get the chance. I’m sad to leave this part of my life behind, but I also can’t wait to see what the future holds.