About Me

Meet Alexis Cacatian

My name is Alexis Cacatian! I am currently a senior at MVHS and Freestyle Academy. My interests include creative arts and music. As a little girl, I was always attached to music especially singing. I can’t remember not ever singing since I was surrounded by music. During my middle school years, I started to learn to play the guitar and the ukulele and have been playing for 7 years now. As I was starting to learn guitar, I came across songwriting. I love creating music that are about personal experiences or just anything in general. Art is also what I love doing. I love to draw little animals and characters, especially sketching them when I am bored. I used to watercolor and utilize pastels a lot as a kid as well. Since I am interested in video games and watching cartoons and anime, I love to draw characters and it intrigued me to do animation. That is why I joined Freestyle to work on animation. I also love fashion. I love to dress up and put pieces together since I can express myself using fashion.

Senior Update: I am Alexis Cacatian and I’m an Animation student. I will be going to Foothill College and transferring to a University. I am unsure on what to major in, but either marketing, music production, digital arts, or dental assistant. Freestyle is an extraordinary place to let your creativity shine. Freestyle made me realize how important and passionate I am about what I want to do whether it’s music or art. It’s an amazing place to be yourself with no judgment.I would advise you to seize every opportunity at Freestyle. Some many resources and opportunities will help you immensely.