Project Listing Page

Hello! My name is Anastasia Garachtchenko (that's me in the photo to the right), and it seems like you’ve stumbled upon my website of websites!

This site is a catalogue of all the work I did while at Freestyle Academy. Under each graphic you will see a description of the main project and you can click the image to be magically whisked away to the website I created specifically for the project.

I hope you enjoy browsing through them all.
Self Portrait
During the Self Portrait Unit I created my first diptych, Illustration and website. This site really shows you the beginning of my Design education and career, a website I occasioannly look at to remind myself how far I have come.
During the Narrative Unit, I created my first screenplay, storyboard, anamatic, and animation. You can view them all on my website.
During the Documentary Unit, I documented an early intervention school that my brother attends. After compiling interviews and photos, I wrote a book which you can read on the website.
During the Experimental Unit I was given the concept of "resignation resulting from the preservation of memories". You can view how I responded to the topic on the site.
During the Profile Unit, I profiled my ballet teacher. After compiling interviews and photos, I wrote a magazine article which you can read on the website.
Music Video
For this Unit I teacmed up with three other people to write and record an original song and film a music video for it.
Narrative 2
In the Narrative 2 unit we created another animation based on a story we wrote in english. Click on the image above to see my creative process and the end result.
This will link you to my portfolio showcase presentation, where you can listen to an audio clip of my presentation while going through the website. This project talks about what I learned at Freestyle and how this program helped shape my future.