
During our Humor unit in English, we read Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut, and studied other comedians of our choice. The goal was to create a video, do a stand up, or even write a commencement speech. I chose to write a commencement speech to the class of 2022.

Tim Minchin, an Australian comedian, and Ellen Degeneres, an American comedian and talk show host both gave amazing commencement speeches at different colleges that inspired the one I wrote.

sneak peak of my speech
My Humor performance

Going into this project I was really scared for how my project was going to turn out. I am not a very funny person in general. My friend who bought me a joke book for Christmas made that very clear. Plus, I had no idea what I wanted to do. Looking back I am so glad I chose to do a commencement speech for this project. It was unique and I was able to add my own charm to it. I enjoyed writing it and it was also a way for me to work on my public speaking skills. This was one of my favorite projects here at Freestyle and I will cherish it forever.