Welcome to my Profile website! This website contains a profile of Deborah McCarley, the person responsible for the horses at the Westwind 4H Riding for the Handicapped program. I was asked to create a profile on an important person in my neighborhood who has a positive influence on the community, and McCarley immediately came to my mind.

I had the opportunity to meet up with her a couple times, follow what she does and get some pictures. I also interviewed her and few people she knows well. I then used all of this information to write a five page profile paper on McCarley in my English class. I spent a couple months just collecting all the information needed, as well as studying other profile papers and their format to know what was expected of my paper. I then wrote the paper that not only shows what an essential part McCarley is in the 4H program, but also gives the reader a little bit of information on McCarley's personality and life. After I finished the essay, I used Adobe inDesign to create a magazine article in my Design class. The goal was to design an article that somehow relates to my profile person, so I had to pay attention to details. After designing the magazine, I had to design a presentation about my profilee and all the different things I learned through this project. I then created this website, and included all of the work from the other classes. I also created a media feature using Adobe After Effects, which includes an edited version of the profile paper, audio from the interviews and some pictures. The goal of the media feature was to create a more entertaining and visual presentation of my profile essay, which lets the viewer peek into Deborah McCarley's life.

I met Deborah McCarley spring of 2013 while volunteering at the 4H program, and saw her helping and working at the barn almost every time I visited. McCarley takes care of the horses throughout the year, which requires her to drive up to the barn almost everyday. She started volunteering ten years ago, and volunteered once a week just like most volunteers do. However, she started taking up more and more responsibility by helping over the weekends or if someone was absent. For the past four years McCarley has had full responsibility of the program's horses. Without her and the incredible amount of time she donates out of her day, the program wouldn't be possible. I had a blast following her work and learning about all the different things she takes care of.

Underneath you can find links to the magazine article and the media feature. In the five page magazine I had to create, I used a faint yellow color because it goes with a lot of horse related things. The magazine article is very simple, and has clean straight lines. I wanted to connect the magazine with the website not only by color schemes, but also the clean and simple design.


Deborah has worked with Libby, one of the 4H horses, for a long time
Daily Chores
Deborah has to make sure each horse gets fed
Big Office
Deborah also takes care of the horses living in the huge pasture
Deborah McCarley
Setting Up
Everything has to be set up for the lesson before the students arrive
Every child has different needs, and Deborah comes up with activities for everyone
Time to work
The horses are excited to work
The 4H horses have to be suitable for the program
Deborah gets to know each horse and their personality
Details Matter
Deborah has to take good care of every horse, and check that they're all healthy and happy
Libby is appreciating Deborah's work
New Skills
Deborah says she has learned a lot after she started volunteering with 4H
Deborah doesn't only worry about the horses - the volunteers havve to feel comfortable too
Teaching Others
According to Deborah, positive reinforcement is the best way to teach
Double Checking
To make sure everyone is safe, Deborah is there to help the volunteers with the horses
Helping Out
Deborah doesn't only work with the hores - she is ready to help whoever needs it

I had to create a five to seven minute presenation during which I explained who my profile person was, what I learned from her and what new tecnical skills I learned while creating the profile project. I wanted to relate my presentation design to my magazine article and website design, so I used simple lines and the yellow and blue color scheme. I chose a simple cursive fonts to match the titles, and a clean simple one for the bullet points. I had to summarize my essay in a few slides during which I introduced my profilee. Then, for the rest of the presentation, I talked about how I connected each aspect of the project through design choices as well as what I learned in Dreamweaver and After Effects.