Hello! Welcome to my Showcase page. I’m Angelita Marcelino, a current senior at Mountain View High School and design student at Freestyle Academy. Before Freestyle I worked primarily in physical mediums such as acrylic paint and colored pencil, but Digital Media, English, and Design have opened my eyes to the world of digital creation and storytelling. The skills I’ve learned have inspired me to create comics and tinker with stories of my own. Thank you so much for reviewing my work! I actually want to minor in biology as well, so it was really inspiring to me when I found out you are majoring in animation and minoring in organismal biology.

This fall I plan on attending Carnegie Mellon University to pursue a Bachelors of Humanities and Fine Arts. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity, and I’m looking forward to meeting creative people just like I have done at Freestyle. Additionally, I plan to minor in either Biology or Animation! Both minors would open up interesting paths that I am interested in; with Biology I would pursue a Masters in Medical Illustration and with Animation I would apply to internships at animation studios as a concept development/storyboard artist.

I would like to gain more insight on how I can make my storyboards more coherent and on how to make my portfolio more compelling as a whole. I would like to push movement more in my storyboards, and in the future I’d like to try out some more experimental camera angles.

For my showcase, I wanted to feature two projects at Freestyle that best represented what I learned: my Explorations project and my Zenith Project. For both projects we are allowed to choose any subject we were interested in, giving us no limitations on creativity and emphasizing self-direction. The Explorations project was smaller and assigned at the end of junior year, and the Zenith is the “ultimate Freestyle project”, assigned at the end of senior year as the ultimate culmination of the skills you gained at Freestyle. For my Explorations project I chose to create a stop-motion figure, and for my Zenith I decided to create a storyboard portfolio and a website to display it on.

Please feel free to reach out at haeun.marcelino@gmail.com if you’d like any more information or have any questions!

My Zenith Storyboard Portfolio Website: https://haeunmarcelino.wixsite.com/anniemarcel.

my showcase video!
my showcase reel
a close up of my stop-motion figure in her classroom

Although I would have loved to create a working stop motion puppet, my Explorations project still taught me a lot about character and set design. I had to be very patient when creating my props and setting them up, but I really enjoyed the process. In the future I’d definitely like to recreate my “Onion Girl” with posable limbs, and possibly create an animation with her. I think I achieved my goal of telling a story with this piece, and I hope viewers are drawn in by the small easter eggs and details.

character exploration for my zenith

My Zenith! I’m super happy with how the website came out. Although I wish I had more time to refine my storyboard and add more frames, I’m so glad that I got to complete the story I wanted to tell.

My time at Freestyle has molded me into the person I am today. I wouldn’t have gotten into Carnegie Mellon if it weren’t for the skills I learned at Freestyle, and I wouldn’t have even known that art was what I wanted to pursue if I hadn’t gone here. I will forever be grateful for the people I met at Freestyle and the things I learned, and it’s clear to me why people fall in love with this place (and why I have too).