Welcome to my final website!This website I used jquery dreamweaver, photoshop, illustrator, as well as this can be resized for ipads and iphones! I had a lot of fun with this website going from creating are blink book to making the Outrageousness show! My freestyle experience is a experience i will never forget because of the complete different skills you learn as a high schooler but as a more creative style of thought.

In design we were given a project to sit and quietly free draw art depending on a word written on the board. The creative aspect of this came a lot in handy when it came to actually putting the book together things fit in abnormal places but just seem to fit and have a unique art and explanation.


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As a knock off ridicoulousness show led by rob Dyrek i was put to the test by trying to simulate a similar “outrageousness” show led by Anthony Lazzara. With a starring cast of celebrities including Nate Becker “trinidad James,” Yonah as “Cuzzo Bone,” Rob’s cousin who always makes a showing on set. As well as Kendall Simon as shenel west coast. The show consisted of crazy videos that went on during spring break in santa barbara and Los Altos.

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