
Thank you for taking time out of your day to look at my page! My name is CJ Hoo, and I’m a senior at Freestyle Academy. Through Freestyle, I’ve been able to take Digital Media, Film, and English classes. I’m permanently grateful for the opportunity to be around a community of similar, yet unique artists, and to have access to industry-level technology.

Outside of Freestyle, I enjoy photography, running, and reading. Some of my current books include Dune by Frank Herbert, The Secret History by Donna Tartt, I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman, and Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell. These books not only inspire me to allude to other artists or cultures in my own writing, but they also give me insight into unconsidered perspectives. I find that all of my favorite novels engage the reader even more upon rereading them. Furthermore, I’m a huge fan of Greek and Roman mythology due to my interest in the Latin language. I feel that learning Latin for the past four years has greatly benefited my reading and writing skills.

“Under The Rug” Documentary Research Article

I’ve decided to primarily showcase my documentary research article about sexual assault in the ballet industry. I interviewed a victim of sexual assault from my former ballet studio about her experience and its effects on her coming of age. I used Adobe InDesign to create a layout with my research, interview quotes, and original photographs. For legal reasons, the names of the victim and the ballet school are anonymous. I am extremely proud of this project because I was able to provide a little bit of closure to my dance studio’s broken community. I would love to hear feedback on how well the visual design elements support my writing, as I chose to take a more metaphorical approach to my photographs. Similarly, I’d like to know how I can improve my writing to more effectively address delicate subject matters such as this. You can access my article by clicking on the picture below the video.

CJ Hoo Showcase Video
“Under The Rug” by CJ Hoo PDF

Other Works

I would like to feature two other works from English class, my lyrical essay and my personal statement. On both of these pieces, I would appreciate feedback on building my own distinct voice in my writing. You can access my writing by clicking on the pictures.

At the end of Junior year, I wrote a lyrical, “hermit-crab” style essay about driving to Westwind Community Barn. I’ve experienced many core memories at or on the way to Westwind, so I wanted the reader to place the reader in my shoes as I drive to Westwind. I wrote this set of directions without the help of a map, for the route is so ingrained in my memory.

The third piece I’ve chosen to showcase is my personal statement from college applications. Under the guidance of College Essay Essentials, I wrote a brief narrative describing the transformation I underwent after my dad died. I initially struggled to incorporate my resume into this personal essay, but I’m ultimately proud of the butterfly metaphor that I created.

Lyrical Essay PDF
Personal Essay PDF

Reflection and Growth

Over the past two years at Freestyle, I developed a passion for communicating unheard or unconventional perspectives. Although my final works are represented through digital media or writing, I think the most important skill I’ve learned is to listen. Projects like the documentary unit and the personal essay taught me that listening closely to others, my audience, and even myself, is more valuable than the final product itself. I believe that the quality of my listening is reflected in the quality of my work.

I’ll be attending Northeastern University next year with an undecided major, but I’m interested in the fields of linguistics, computer science, classics, and journalism. Since Northeastern does not yet offer a classics program, I plan to translate Ovid’s Metamorphoses this summer on my own time. Thank you again for viewing my work!


CJ Hoo Showcase Reel