Things I've Made

This website is a compilation of all the work I’ve completed in my education at Freestyle Academy. It’s the culmination of two years of graphic and web design knowledge that I’ve gained, maintained, and improved upon gradually.

I hope you as a viewer find it inspiring to see the progression of my work, and the final results of my efforts at Freestyle.


The Self-Portrait site is dedicated to showing you who I am and what I’m all about. It includes photos and descriptions of family and friends, art pieces such as an illustration and a diptych photograph, a page dedicated to my favorite websites, and more.

As this was the first official unit of my Freestyle career, it was my inital chance to apply many of the skills I had been building for the beginning few weeks of the year. I learned volumes about web design and development, and was the foundation of all the knowledge and skills I’ve built until now.


The second site, which focuses on Narrative, contains a body of work produced while I worked on my skills as a storyteller. I wrote a complete short story as the basis for most of the other work this unit. Using it as a thematic guide, I also created another diptych and illustration.

The most ambitious undertaking by far was a flash animation based off of my story. I quickly learned to appreciate and pity the scores of flash animators on the internet, as it is a very long, tedious, arduous process filled with headaches and problem solving. The bulk of my learning this unit was simply trying to manage and team the beast that is Adobe Flash.


Often considered the crown jewel of first year curriculum, the Documentary unit was probably my favorite out of everything we covered. It felt by far like the project that required the most professionalism and had the most real world applications. We picked a topic that had to do with an issue in our community, did background research, interviewed experts, and created a dozen page paper.

I used it as the basis for a designed-from-scratch hardcover book and audio presentation. This project tested all I had learned in terms of design taste and expository writing skills. In the end, I’m quite happy with the end results of this very intensive unit.


The Experimental unit is a close second favorite of mine. Experimental art is all about breaking conventions, and therefore allows for a lot of flexibility. I wrote many pieces of poetry, and created graphical layouts and backgrounds for each one. One of these poems was the inspiration for a stop motion animation I made using clay and other found household objects.

It was an excellent way to end my first year at freestyle, and is by far the most polished out of all the work I produced. I’m especially proud of the site’s design and overall aesthetic, and it's probably the most professional looking site I made that year.


The profile unit assignment was to interview and document the experiences of a notable member of the community. For this project, I covered my karate instructor and the founder of Chang Tai Do Karate & Fitness, John Chang.

This unit felt like an iteration of the documentary unit from Junior year. It involved interviewing, article writing, magazine graphic design, and learning more web design techniques with CSS and jQuery.

Music Video

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Ut egestas adipiscing elit, nec venenatis mauris auctor nec. Cras condimentum tempor nisi. Duis et blandit nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus pellentesque imperdiet ultricies.

Integer rutrum ullamcorper odio a lacinia. Maecenas ante felis, pellentesque id arcu sed, porta malesuada sapien. Ut dolor nisi, consectetur quis sagittis vel, adipiscing eu quam. Quisque ultricies mauris vitae sagittis ultrices.

Narrative 2.0

Integer sapien urna, eleifend in lectus non, luctus placerat urna. Ut nisi sem, pellentesque id odio ut, feugiat lacinia purus. Cras quis venenatis magna. Etiam pellentesque urna ut orci eleifend, vel ornare nibh iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Ut egestas adipiscing elit, nec venenatis mauris auctor nec. Cras condimentum tempor nisi. Duis et blandit nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus pellentesque imperdiet ultricies.

Integer rutrum ullamcorper odio a lacinia. Maecenas ante felis, pellentesque id arcu sed, porta malesuada sapien. Ut dolor nisi, consectetur quis sagittis vel, adipiscing eu quam. Quisque ultricies mauris vitae sagittis ultrices.


Integer sapien urna, eleifend in lectus non, luctus placerat urna. Ut nisi sem, pellentesque id odio ut, feugiat lacinia purus. Cras quis venenatis magna. Etiam pellentesque urna ut orci eleifend, vel ornare nibh iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Ut egestas adipiscing elit, nec venenatis mauris auctor nec. Cras condimentum tempor nisi. Duis et blandit nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus pellentesque imperdiet ultricies.

Integer rutrum ullamcorper odio a lacinia. Maecenas ante felis, pellentesque id arcu sed, porta malesuada sapien. Ut dolor nisi, consectetur quis sagittis vel, adipiscing eu quam. Quisque ultricies mauris vitae sagittis ultrices.