Welcome to Danny Wilson's Project Page

Hello,, dear viewer. Welcome to Danny Wilson's website, a student who enjoys taking Web/Audio, Design, and English at freestyle academy. Feel free to visit the projects he has done while learning at freestyle by clicking on the buttons in the navigation bar at the top of the page. These projects combined the skills of photography and editing, english, audio creation, and website design. Thank you for your time and NO FREE REFUNDS.

Have a nice day.

Picture of Narrative 2 website

Ah, the profile project, completed on 11-22-2013. Taking over a 100 hours to complete, this project involved interviewing someone who is interesting and making a magazine article, a website, a media feature, and a presentation on that person. My person of choice was Jon Rodriguez, a man my brother looked up to and, as I found out, someone worthy of my brothers admiration and a lot more than he is getting in his community for his acts of generosity in his community and individually. If you would like to see the completed projects and find out more about Jon Rodriguez, click the link to my profile website!

Picture of music video website

The music video unit was a fun unit that met its end on 01-31-2014. Students were split in groups of four to create a music video start to finish, starting with an idea and finishing with a 4 minute long music video. We also had to individually create a poster, CD cover, and a Jewel case cover and did absolutely none of this project in english class. My group chose to make a song based on the idea of a human zombie love relationship that would have surface level commedy in the lyrics but if you really analyzed it there really is a deep message too it. Want to watch it and find a little bit about how it was made, then click the link to my music video website!

Picture of Narrative 2 website

After some long, hard work this project was completed on 04-29-2014. The narrative project focused mainly on telling a story with English class to write the story and WebAudio class to bring the story to life through a drawn, animated, and composed animation created by the student. Because the animation process takes so long English class had time to explore the surrealist art style that puts dreams on paper, literally. Design class then built on what we did in English class by creating a book jacket for our (very) short novel and gave us a chance to engrain another story inside of our own surrealist image we create. My story ended up being about an owl who has to choose between his obsession or a life or normality (ironic, since I became obsessed with this project). Want to see the story play through? Then click on the link to my narrative website!

Picture of Exploration website

The last homework assignment for high school ended for me on 05-27-2014 with the completion of this final website. English pushed us into the realm of human thought by having us read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell for homework which pointed out the power of the subconscious through many case and point examples. In class we performed activities to stir our creative juices to create brand new Design artworks and English pieces. For the second two weeks of the unit we improved what we created using a few completely new techniques to make the creative become brilliant. WebAudio on the other hand focused on responsive design, websites that change depending on device viewing it, and learning something completely new that involves web, audio, or animations. This was definitely a fun unit, even though it went by in a blink of an eye.