

For our documentary project we have to interview a person living in the Bay Area who matters in someway. We then have to show what exactly makes them so important, and why they matter in an essay. While I don’t want to go into the medical field, I have always been interested in what doctors do. So, I reached out to one of my dad’s friends, a doctor, and asked to interview her about her life and job. She is a geriatrician, a doctor working with elderly people. I was very intrigued what would make somebody want to be one, and over the course of the process, I learnt just how important the geriatrics field is. Not to mention, she is very knowledgable on Eastern medicine as well, so it is interesting learning about Eastern versus Western Medicine.

Dr. Rani Kulkarni specializes in Geriatrics and Internal Medicine. However, she is also very knowledgable on practices like Ayurveda and yoga. Some of Dr. Kulkarni’s hobbies include traditional dance, hiking, and nutrition.


Design Book

In Design, we took our essay and turned it into a book. For this project, we had to learn Adobe InDesign, which is great for formatting writing and pictures. While this project was a little challenging for me, because I am not the best at formatting words, graphic design elements, and photos in an aesthetic way, I still like how my project turned out.

Digital Media Magazine

In Digital Media, we also had to turn our essays into magazines. So, it was a like what we did in Design, but a lot more condensed.


Overall, I am very glad to have done this project. It taught me a lot about the way the USA health system is going, considering how much more important geriatricians are going to be in the future the longer people start living. The reason Dr. Kulkarni, and the geriatric field in general, is so important is because in a few decades, we are going to be the seniors needing help. Geriatricians aren’t just taking care of the people of the past. They will be the ones saving our lives and bettering our health in the future. So, they need all the appreciation they can get. Also, while InDesign was tricky, I think it is incredibly useful for later down the line, if I want to make books, magazines, or any creatively formatted piece.