
“How do you creatively and truthfully portray a significant person, group, place, idea, or issue in the community?”

For this project, students were asked to go into the community and speak out about an issue and or bring awareness to the topic. We had to use first and secondary sources to produce a solid piece of both literary and animated work.

Leilani Gayles

For my topic, I chose to speak about the controversy of natural black hair, later specifically mentioned in the business place. I chose to interview, write about and animate my great aunt, Leilani Gayles, and her many stories about the discrimination she has faced. My aunt is someone I look up to as she has worked extremely hard for everything she has now often putting others before herself. In an additional note to her incredible resume, my aunt has overcome great obstacles and has never let anything get in the way of achieving her goals and dreams. I am very grateful to have someone in my family as diligent as her.

From this project, I have had the opportunity to dive deeper into my aunt’s past trials when it comes to working professionally and have found a new appreciation for what she does not only for me but for our family as a whole.

Overcoming Adversity

In English, we took the transcript we got from our initial recorded interview and used that to fill an outline. The steps of this outline included chronology, nut graf, anecdotal lead, future plans, and closing quotation. Using an example article, we were provided with a better vision of what the finalized product would look like.

Roots Production

Adding questions to my Animated Documentary

Finalized Magazine