• Composition


    For this week’s prompt, I photographed geometry in a toy Ferris wheel. First, I spun the wheel as fast as I could. I then quickly clicked a photo before it stopped spinning. I used the Av mode in my camera to capture the motion blur as the wheel spun, which…

  • Composition

    Rule of Odds

    In photography, using the rule of odds means capturing an odd number of subjects in a photo. For this week’s prompt, I chose to take a photo of three fairy figurines from my fairy collection. I positioned them so that they were in one group but could still be divided…

  • Composition

    Negative Space

    This week, I learned to use negative space in photography. When taking this photo, I first noticed the bikes. I then noticed the wide space of the field. I liked how the negative space around the bikes helped emphasize them in the scene. To further accentuate this, I used Photoshop…

  • Composition

    Center Frame Portrait

    For this week’s prompt, we had to take a center frame portrait. I started by making sure my subject was in the center of the frame. Then I had him look to the side so half of his face would be illuminated by light from a window. However, the part…

  • Composition

    Balance in Holiday Traditions

    This photo is of my sister holding an unlit, handmade deepam (earthen oil lamp) that I created as a child. I utilized symmetrical balance with both her hands and opted for a darker photo to emphasize how this hasn’t been a typical, cheery holiday season for my family. I chose…

  • Composition

    Leading Lines

    This photo’s prompt tasked me with capturing leading lines to show the concept of infinity. I did this by photographing two doors in a hallway at my house. The doorways are not connected and are spaced apart. I angled the two doors so that the “lines” on them would appear…

  • Composition

    Symmetry Landscape

    I took this photo at a school nearby. I was instantly drawn to the symmetry of the mural itself, and I liked how the flowers were painted at the same heights on both sides of the tree. The two doors are also facing each other, creating even more of a…

  • Composition

    Rule of Thirds

    I chose this photo to display the rule of thirds because I liked how it exuded an aura of mystery and darkness. I also liked the irregular shape of the subject and I think it contributes to the enigmatic nature of the photo.