

About this Podcast

My podcast, A Look Inside My Mind, discusses the reasons why people tend to rewatch their favorite TV shows. It takes my personal experiences of rewatching my favorite show and uses it to help explain the broader psychology behind repetitive behaviors.

Podcaster Bio

My name is Eileen Chang and I am a senior at Freestyle Academy and Mountain View High School. I enjoy getting to spend time with my friends, listening to music, and watching my favorite shows and movies over and over. After high school, I plan on studying film in college and hope to one day work on a TV show or movie that someone deems worthy of consistent rewatching.

Podcast Project

For the podcast project, we were tasked to learn to use the modern podcast as a form of storytelling. Podcasts are not only fairly easy to produce, but they also continue to increase in popularity so we took our own shot at making one. Being limited to the exclusive use of audio provided a new challenge in being able to tell a story with a unique and individualized voice.

A screenshot of a Pro Tools project file. There are three tracks, one above the other. The first one has blue waveforms and spans almost the full duration of the timeline. The second track has green waveforms and spans from the beginning of the timeline to around the one minute mark. The third track has purple waveforms and spans from around the five minute mark to the end end of the timeline at six minutes.
Pro Tools project file for my podcast

Listen to my podcast here!


From the podcast project, I learned a lot about myself both as a storyteller and personally. From a storytelling perspective, I realized how limitations can help to encourage creativity. Podcasts are a medium that I’ve never gotten to use before, so trying to adapt to getting my point across through just my voice provided a fun challenge in this project. And since the foundation of my podcast was rooted in my own personal experiences, the research I had to do for this podcast helped me to understand myself better in ways that I’d never thought of or realized before.

If I were to give any advice to future first-time podcasters, I would say to just be yourself. In a podcast, it’s just you, your voice, and maybe some additional sound effects and audio, so being true to yourself is the best way for your unique voice to shine through to your audience.