About Me

Eli Ladd

To whom its about to concern,
My name is Eli and I was a Freestyle student with a focus in Animation. I originally chose to join freestyle to get better at art in general, but I have come to realize that Freestyle has taught me so much more then I intended it to.

Because of that, I believe that Freestyle embodies one of my favorite quotes: “journey before destination.” I think that everyone going into Freestyle for one goal or the other, and coming out with so many more skills then they thought they would. I believe that it has made me UNSTOPPABLE in this increasingly digital world.

Besides freestyle, I spent most of my time working in various school theater productions, from the annual musicals to the dance spectrum show as the assistant stage manager. I value both parts of my school life equally as they taught me completely opposite things. In freestyle, we would go in depth into various technological programs and techniques, while in theater, we would be creating and problem solving physically. I think both parts of my school life created a good balance and turned me into a very well rounded capable person who is ready to explore college!

I hope you have an enjoyable time reading my website, because I wrote it for you!

– Eli Ladd