
For the second Narrative unit at Freestyle, we had to make a short story in English and incorporate that into our other classes at Freestyle. In Design, we had to make a book jacket, and in WebAudio, we made a book trailer. We also made a surrealism piece in Design, which was very cool to learn about. The overall project was extremely fun because we got to learn a lot of new programs and techniques that we hadn't delt with before.

Book Jacket
Short Story

For English class, we had to make a short story. Mine is about someone named Lara Castro, and they are coming out to their best friend. The goal of our short story was to provide the reader with visuals so they can feel like they know what the scene and people look like.

Book Jacket

For Design, we had to make a faux book jacket for the short story we made in English. For this book jacket project, I had the cover relate to the story by having it portray the title. I had a cigarette laying on concrete, and the ashes were a light purple. The title of the story is Lavender Ashes, hence the lavender ashes from the cigarette. The story is about a person who is trying to find themselves, and comes out to their closest friend as asexual and nonbinary. The main character, Lara Castro, is the person who comes out to her friend. Aaron, about being asexual and nonbinary. The story starts out with Lara walking to the beach and meeting Aaron there, then them having a conversation and talking about Lara. They have lavender colored hair, and that is also what inspired the title of the story. I wanted the background to be sort of a sandy color, since most of the story is set on a beach. It slowly fades to a concrete looking background, which is the texture element I put into the cover.

Book Jacket
Book Trailer

FOr WebAudio, we had to make a book trailer for the short story we wrote in English and it had to relate to the book jacket we made in Design. We used Adobe AfterEffects to make this trailer and it was a very fun learning experience for me. I got to learn an entire new program and it was really cool to learn about and mess with.


For Design, we had to make a surrealism piece. My idea was so have the sky as a background and have the middle and foreground be an amethyst with a tree growing out of it. My story to go along with it is about a chunk of land made out of amethyst, and there can be no life, except this one tree, which is bare and small, but still lives.

Surrealism Art