About Me

How’s life! I’m Emily McNally and I was a first-year senior at Freestyle during the 2020-2021 school year, my main school was Los Altos High School. Despite being at Freestyle for only a year, I had wanted to join the Freestyle community for a couple years so I was very excited to be there. I chose to pursue film because I loved the concept of having the idea for a story in your head, filming it, and seeing it come to life while editing.

I really took to the unorthodox teaching style that Freestyle uses which I had not experienced in other classes before. It was also so great to be around other students and staff that were constantly thinking of unique, creative ideas, since it’s such an easy and natural way I feel I can connect with others.

Outside of Freestyle, I was a senior writer and photographer for Los Altos High’s newspaper the Talon. I was also part of the Midpeninsula Post, an independent student run newspaper. In high school I enjoyed experimenting with various creative outlets and seeing which I found myself most drawn to, something I look to do in college and beyond.

As I mentioned above, I had wanted to join Freestyle for years, specifically for film, and was very glad I got the chance. I really liked the concept of teaching us skills that will allow us to take on any to most jobs offered to us in the media field (making us “unstoppable”). I genuinely felt that what I was doing and learning would acts as tools I could use in the future. I will definitely remember Freestyle as the place where I learned a lot of valuable skills and was guided by others who had a similar drive to create.

Below is personal stationary and resumé I created in spring of 2021.

Paper Business Card
Metal Business Card
Personal Letterhead