About this Podcast

The Dream Podcast is about our deepest dreams and why we dream what we dream. In this episode we talk about writing our dreams down in order to remember the weird details our brain comes up with and the science behind reliving moments in your dreams. A dream journal may not sound like the easiest thing to keep up with but it definitely makes for an interesting read later on.

The Dream Podcast

About Us

Ellie and I are both seniors at Mountain View High School and Freestyle Academy. We had the idea for this podcast because every morning.. well every time one of us has a weird dream (which could be argued as every morning) we text each other a detailed description of what happened so we don’t forget as the day goes on. We love to share crazy scenarios with each other so we created a podcast to share them with anyone who is willing to listen.


Our Podcast Script
Thumbnail Art


The podcast project was one that I had been looking forward to for the majority of the year. I had always had an idea brewing in the back of mind that a podcast would be really fun to make. Going through the stages of brainstorming, writing, recording, editing, and finalizing the podcast gave me all the experience I needed to do it myself in the future. After turning our project in, I was hit with a wave of different topics that I would be so willing to talk about in another possible episode.