Welcome to my Narrative website!

My name is Jackson Bartlett, which I hope you might have gathered by now, and this is the second website I have made here at Freestyle as a junior. Technically, it would be the third and a half website. Unlike other students, I had a multitude of technical issues plague my website just days before the exhibition at which it was to be on display. To my dismay, it was rendered unusable and I was forced to start anew. This is my finished product, which includes a variety of different projects. In Web, not only did we design the page you are now on and the five others, but we also brought life to the inanimate and immobile. Starting with a wholly lifeless and hand-drawn comic we drafted in English, we scanned each page into the computer. From there we moved the still frames into Adobe Flash, and gave each scene simple movements of characters, and cameras, as well as crude audio. Known as an "Animatic," this was the precursor to the greatest challenge of all, the "Animation." Equally strenuous, we toiled ceaselessly in Design to produce a dual-image hybrid in design, expected to use only two hand-shot images to tell a story. Upon that same theme, we used Adobe Illustrator to create illustrations also containing a tale. Tying it all together in English, we not only brainstormed, drafted, edited, drafted and revised comics, but also wrote several stories, each with varying criteria. One could be no more than 55 words, a much greater task than initially believed, as well as a narrative under 1,000 words. All in all I took great pleasure in every project I was assigned this unit and hope you, the viewer, enjoys it greatly.