Jacqueline Conn

This is a photo of Jacqueline during her junior year of high school.

Dear Viewer,

My name is Jacqueline Conn and I am a junior who is part of Freestyle Academy. You might be asking “What is Freestyle Academy?”, well, I’ll tell you. Freestyle Academy is a 2 year program for upperclassmen in which students can discover and build their creative skills through the classes taught here (which are design, art, WebAudio, and Film). Students in this program are given the freedom to choose whether they want to take WebAudio or Film (I obviously chose WebAudio). However, this is not the only freedom students in this program are given. This whole program is built off of giving students the freedom to channel their creativity and build off of their ideas.

Let me introduce you to my website. First, let’s talk about the five buttons that you see at the top of my website. Each button has a different title (the title is the name of the section of my website that that button will take you to). Now let me tell you about the fun part of my website; the visual and musical part. When you first enter my website, you are met with sci fi sounding music and a galaxy background...with cats. The overall theme/vibe I am trying to portray through this/in my website is the sense of freedom and fun. Anyways, I’ll let you get to your web browsing.


Jacqueline Conn


This section of my website is dedicated to my conceptual project. We had many tasks during this section and each class had its own project for us to (individually) complete. In English, we were given a concept statement that we had to build off of in projects for all of our classes. For English, we had to use this concept statement to write a poem. In Design, we had to use the photography skills that we learned to take a picture that represented our concept statement that we were given in English. And in Web/Audio, we had to pull the projects from all of our other classes together as well as make this section of our website (for our concept statement/conceptual project).

Click this text to go to my conceptual web page.

My narrative project will be completed in late January.

My profile prject will be completed in late April.

My explorations project will be completed in late May.