

guy looking at a computer screen

This is a dude looking at a computer.


I choose you, water.

A picture of a stingray
This is a stingray. I named him Juan.

I travelled to the Caymans a while ago and I really wanted to put this photo everywhere. It is on my homepage and now its here. In this picture I wanted to represent the element: water. It’s not an element, but an ‘element’.


Rule of Odds

There are three couch pillows in this photo
There are three couch pillows, therefore it is – well- odd.

I wanted to experiment with the rule of thirds(because I was told to). Actually, I had a friends take a photo of me on the couch. It had and still has three cushions.

Story Telling

Season of fallen leaves

Picture of a tree with orange leaves
Taken at my grandmothers house. Thanks grandma!

The weather is changing! It was getting cold in the fall. This picture was taken in the fall. This sentence is here to elongate the caption. Hello!


Work Work WOrk

This is a photo of a building in New York
This is probably a work building. I am not sure anyone would live in it, but I may be wrong.

This represents what I think of work. It can accomplish great things. You can make a skyscraper if you work. You can also make glass windows. It is very inspiring.


The theory of c-o-l-o-r

Picture of Ibby again that has lots of color
I changed some color settings.

I’ll be honest, I don’t know what settings I changed, but I like the new feel of the photo. I took this in New York. I think.

Story Telling

Modern Convenience

Picture of a fan
Yes, I love fans.

Don’t get my caption wrong, but I cannot live without fans. I would burn during summer. I also like to use them to move large volumes of stuffy air from my room to the rest of the house.


What am I grateful for?

This is a picture of water
If you are a visiting martian, this is water. Good thing yours is frozen.

I am very grateful for water. Without water, there would be no life. Without water, the periodic table would probably get very confusing.


Rule of Thrids

There is an umbrella, a plant, and some terrain
I took this picture at freestyle. I think.

I had the photo divided up into nine sections. Each invisible box has it’s own item in it. Isn’t that cute?

Story Telling

Black and white photo that tells a story

THis is a black and white photo of a man sitting and smiling
Shot with an iphone

This is a black and white photo of a student that is slowly losing his mind because school has overwhelmed him.