




We were tasked on a ‘self discovery’ journey at Freestyle. It sounds very spiritual, but it was really just staring at objects in my room and thinking about whether or not I actually needed them. As it turns out, a lot of the objects had symbolic meaning and from them I was able to construct an image of myself I never quite clarified specifically, yet realizing that I still have lots of room to grow.

In english, we wrote stuff. We had to write about ourselves and it was a lot of bragging. I am totally humble. We had to find essence objects that told a story of who we were; I had a sweater on the list as a symbol of insecurity. I like to hide the fact that I love the smell of the burning solder. I can cut off a year in my life. We then proceeded to write about ourselves in the context of our past and juxtaposing it with who we are now and what objects we selected.

In digital media, we made something that no one could ever guess: media on a digital format. I was very surprised. We learned how to use more functions of adobe after effects.

In film we made a film that shows an aspect of us. I made one about how I think. Unfortunately, I don’t think other people think this way, so it’s somewhat unreliable.

Essence Objects:

* Soldering iron

* Bookshelf

* Notebook

* Standing Desk

* My custom computer

* Orange Lego Astronaut

* Cheap Strat

* A fourth grade piece of art

* An oil pastel Vincent van Gogh copy artwork

* Old red backpack

* A white polo shirt

* Khaki shorts

* Screwdriver

* An amp

* A lego boat I have

* A zipper sweater

* The painted white wall

* My medicine

* *Now you reach me* book

* *Snow Crash* book

* Architectural model

* Oil Pastels

* My noise Cancelling headphones

* 3D printed Aztec figure

* What’s the toughest lesson you had to learn?

        * The toughest lesson I had to learn was self control. I had lots of trouble with self control when I was little and it impacted everyone around me.

* What’s the hardest thing you had to overcome?

        * The hardest thing I had to overcome was years of depression from elementary school.

* What’s your actual superpower? When did you learn you had it? How’d you develop it?

        * My actual superpower would be having very ambitious and coherent (most of the time) ideas. I learned that I had this since fourth grade. I was making a piece of art and it was very detailed in many levels. I learned to develop it by staring out a window for hours. I also enjoyed simulating things with my lego figures.

* I wouldn’t be who I am today without_____

        * I wouldn’t be who I am today without my optimism.

* If you have a specific career in mind, why am I it?

        * I want to be an electrical engineer because I am taking mathematics and using it to solve problems. This would allow me to do practically anything that I want.

* Do any of these questions link to your essence objects?

        * My aztec figure was a gift from a friend that definitely helped dampen my depression. My lego figure is a character from a video game that has certain values and is generally optimistic. My soldering iron relates to what I want to be when I grow up. My artwork from fourth grade is related to the superpower question.

Personal Museum Curation

Yusuf Art Foundation(pictures at the bottom)

  • Yellow Acrylic with dust(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • It reflects about how I like to think deeply about things. I like to see the world and in this case a painting and figure out how all of the dust is connected.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This one makes the cut because it is one of the aspects of myself that I have pride over.
  • Cobra tie(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • This sculpture reflects how I critically think about any kind of culture. I don’t think that all cultures are toxic, but there is an aspect which always fails certain people.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This one does not make the cut because it doesn’t feel very powerful as an artwork. It has a clear statement, but it isn’t very deep.
  • Salvaged art(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • This does not express my core values because it does not have a clear meaning or purpose, but the painting is art.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This does not make the cut because it does not reflect my values.
  • City like sculpture(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • The city sculpture reflects my values in a way that I like to think abstractly. The sculpture from afar looks like a city and it is an interesting concept.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This makes the cut because it is a creative way to use scraps of wood.
  • Bloody painting(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • This one reflects my core value of recognizing issues no matter how depressing they may be. The painting clearly shows pain and probably a history of pain in a way.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This one makes the cut because it as a very emotional and meaningful piece of art.

How has my own work as an artist and my own criticism of artwork influenced your choices about which pieces made my Personal Museum and which pieces didn’t make the cut?

        My artwork has mostly been focused on abstract thoughts and feelings and conveying them in a clever manner. On the other hand, I like to recognize the sadness and joy in my feelings through art. Much of my art starts off very sad, but slowly morphs into something more joyful and insightful.



I had no idea what a mandala was until I started making one. Ironically, the mandala I was making centered around ignorance – misunderstood machinery happily pumping toxic material out into the world. The process was very simple; we had to make a triangle that is reflected several times over to make a circle. We also used a laser printer to make a physical version out of plastic because we love the environment.

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Perspective Piece

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Yusuf Art Foundation(pictures at the bottom)

  • Yellow Acrylic with dust(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • It reflects about how I like to think deeply about things. I like to see the world and in this case a painting and figure out how all of the dust is connected.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This one makes the cut because it is one of the aspects of myself that I have pride over.
  • Cobra tie(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • This sculpture reflects how I critically think about any kind of culture. I don’t think that all cultures are toxic, but there is an aspect which always fails certain people.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This one does not make the cut because it doesn’t feel very powerful as an artwork. It has a clear statement, but it isn’t very deep.
  • Salvaged art(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • This does not express my core values because it does not have a clear meaning or purpose, but the painting is art.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This does not make the cut because it does not reflect my values.
  • City like sculpture(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • The city sculpture reflects my values in a way that I like to think abstractly. The sculpture from afar looks like a city and it is an interesting concept.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This makes the cut because it is a creative way to use scraps of wood.
  • Bloody painting(not the real name of the painting)
  • How it reflects my core values:
  • This one reflects my core value of recognizing issues no matter how depressing they may be. The painting clearly shows pain and probably a history of pain in a way.
  • Why does it make/not make the cut?
  • This one makes the cut because it as a very emotional and meaningful piece of art.

How has my own work as an artist and my own criticism of artwork influenced your choices about which pieces made my Personal Museum and which pieces didn’t make the cut?

        My artwork has mostly been focused on abstract thoughts and feelings and conveying them in a clever manner. On the other hand, I like to recognize the sadness and joy in my feelings through art. Much of my art starts off very sad, but slowly morphs into something more joyful and insightful.

A painting that is yellow with dust on it

cobra as a tie

a pile of scrapscrap used to build a citya very gory picture

Personal Essay Film

Title: This is what I do in my spare time

Introduction: I am required to do an introduction, so this is the intro. In film, we were required to make a short video that represented an aspect of ourselves. I chose the way that I process visual stimuli. It’s not really all that fun.

How it was made: I used a camera(surprise). I then used after effects to compile the footage while everyone else was using premiere!

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