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Book Jacket
Portfolio Showcase

Welcome to my Portfolio website. Here is my best work that I have done over the 2015-2016 at Freestyle Academy. The video you see below is my innovator project, which is my anime opening called Star Front. What this anime is about is an alien invasion happening on earth and earth has these certain battle suits that they discovered which came from the aliens. They modified the alien tech and used it to help earth flourish. However 20 years after the discovery of the new technology and the aliens have discovered that earth is a planet filled with life and they want to take the planets for themselves. It is up to Ricky and his friends, who now hold the fate of earth in their hands.

Book Jacket

This is where I made a book jacket called Amending a heart. I used a couple of my friends to help me with the cover. As you can see both sides have two people on the book jacket. The one who is grayed out on your right is my friend Athan Rowe and on the other side is Gabriella Wilde. The book itself is more of a cliche type of romance.


Here is my panorama drawing that I made. Because I am senior that will be graduating in 2016 I made this as a way to say thank you to all my friends that made me happy throughout the years of highschool. My last year of high school has been such an amazing year. I've had so many laughs with these people this year. Whenever I would feel down they would always be the ones to cheer me up and put a smile on my face. Thanks to Freestyle I could show my appreciation to my friends through my drawings. Without my friends and the staff of Freestyle I wouldn't be as good as I was when I first started drawing.