Welcome to my narrative project website. here you will explore the projects that i have completed over the ending of the first semester and the beginning of the second semester. Creating my narrative, nether, was quite a new expirience for me. before this, i never really knew how to shape a story, create a trailer for it, and design a book cover. however now using the knowledge i have gained from these projects i feel like i can use the skills that i have developed to further improve my animation, design, and storywriting. this project has opened up many doors for me and what i want to persue in my future after i graduate.

Projects in this website include:

- The narrative short story "Nether" and voice recording

- animated book trailer for the narrative short story

- the book jacket

- surrealism art

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This trailer was created using Adobe After Effects CC, a software that allows the usage of animation. Creating the trailer was the most exciting part of this project in my opinion. it alowed me to express my love for animation using software teqniques that were totally new to me.


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