

Hey! I’m Jiale, and this is my official Freestyle Academy website; it holds all the works that I’ve done during the one year I’m here. Although I’ve only stayed for one year in Freestyle Academy, a two year course, I still feel that I’ve learned a lot from only half of the whole course. Feel free to check out the projects that I’ve done during the year.

For the Profile project, I focused on the integration of technology and computer science in our younger generation’s lives. I interviewed a computer science teacher to see his thoughts about what the future would be like as computer science takes its shape into our society.
Narrative 2
For my Narrative 2 project (technically my first narrative), I did a narrative in my English class. From that narrative we wrote, we created a book trailer using After Effects for the narrative. Then, we created a book cover in InDesign for Design class. Furthermore, we created a surrealist photo in Design class using Photoshop . I focused on the integration of websites on mobile platforms and the basics to created an interesting narrative. Click on the button below to see the full page.
Innovator Project
For my Innovator project, I worked on a research paper focusing on the impact of video games on our future society in English class. However, I mostly focused on the game that I made using the software Unity. Learning Unity was very challenging because I’ve never coded in C# before. I focused on the being independent with my time and allocating what is best for creating a game from scratch. Click on the button below to see the full page.
For my portfolio, I basically made a website showcasing the grow I had in Freestyle. I started with my first Profile projected and ended with my Innovator project. Click on the button below to see the full page.