
50 mm, 400 ISO, 100 shutter speed, Aperture 5

For this assignment we were supposed to show aging of some kind i was unsure for the longest time n what to do for this assignment, however I struggled throughout time to figure out what would be the best representation of growing old. for my documentary project I was working in our “shed” which, in stagecraft takes care of and keeps all of our tools and building materials. I was taking footage when I noticed this: A basketball hoop.

This basketball hoop was used for our high school production of “High School Musical,” and was part of one of the most impressive parts of our set, in which things would be lowered from the ceiling to set a new scene, this was a hoop used throughout the show, however once the show itself ended, the hoop ended up in the middle of our shed.

While this may sound pessimistic to some, there is a reason for why this was left in the shed and not simply trashed, because ne day, if another show needs a hoop just like this, then we have it. I believe that growing old may feel like becoming useless or thrown away, but in truth there will be people who always need you.

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