Narrative 1


“How well can you visually tell a structured story?” Was the question asked to us at the start of the second quarter, in all of our class we attempted to learn and discover our skills in writing, film making, and other related skills. In the end, I believe I made excellent progress. This was one of the largest projects I have ever been part of, and I am thankful as it has helped me immensely inside and outside of the classroom


Short Story

In English, we were given some very loose permitters, yet they stilled played a major role; we needed to tell a story with characters no larger than 1K words, which showed a classic character arch. I began, like with most of my stories, with the world, as I believe for a character to feel especially real they need to be part of the world, not what the world s a part of. I made a down to earth southern girl who had lost their father, as a way to express my own emotion about my father. i wanted the story to be. conversation between them and their father. The character arch would be the realization and recognition that the character did not need to live up to their father, but instead be their own self.

the world itself was this small town, they were born and raised there and their father was a sheriff.

Overall I was very happy with this result, as I exersiiced my writing even more, though I am experinced any new goal or task to imrpove is always welcomed.

Digital Media

Exquisite Corpse

i believe this was easily my second favorite assignment in any of r classes, as the project allowed us to se our newly figured out illustrator skills, I chose to create a dragon of some kind, however the catch in which project is that you are paired with two other people who must create a continuous shape form with you. I am happy with the result as I felt we all had similar techniques.

Personal illustration

my favriote project franky of the semester wa the illustrator assigmet, in which, similar to the previous our skills which we learned on illustrator, we wold make a create productof some kind. i decided to make mine a map, and make it a large personal illustration which would detail world building for one of my personal projects. i a overall really happy with this as it was totally creative, allwoed me to expand the world and mak a very solid product.


Griffith Scene

Griffth’s pattern is the pattern which establishes a scene , and character interaction. Once we learned about the diea, wewere tasked with quickly making a film displaying these skills. i partnered with several other students to makesuch a product, and for being such a quick turnaround i thought it was solid.

Suspense Scene

To follow up on our previous assignment, we worked on suspense and how to create it within a story using different shots ediitng styles and perspectives, i did mot of the camera work in this project however I struggled at points I hope to improve later on.

Chase Scene

One of the hardest assignments in Film, we were tasked with creating a correctly made and well designed chase scene, it took me longer than most to create my version due to my tight schedule at the time however i felt very happy that i was able to still regardless because of the turn around.

Narrative Film

For the final part of our narrative projects, we were tasked with making a multi minute long narrative story. Overall, this was a long project I struggled with due to having issues with my partner, however i attempted to participate best as I could.