The Podcast unit is exactly what it sounds like: it’s all about podcasts. For English, we were required to script and record a podcast. So, I decided to team up with Maria and Loren to create a movie review podcast. Why movie review podcast? I don’t know the reasons for the others, but I personally love doing in-depth film discussions and analyses. I don’t watch a lot of movies, but when I do, I often think about the different aspects of the movie– from plot, to character development, to editing and to music soundtrack. Plus, it’s really fun to nitpick the movie and point out all of the plot holes. We love exposing flaws.

To be honest, we did not do much scripting for the podcast because we wanted the conversation to feel natural. We did, however, created a general outline for us to follow during the podcast so we stayed on track. Then, we simply went at it. Here is the product of that:

In regards to roles, Loren edited the whole podcast (big thanks to her for having to sit through about 2 hours of audio clips), Maria created the songs used in the podcast, and I created the podcast logo. All of us contributed to creating the outline for the podcast and (obviously), podcasted.