

Follow-up Interview



Will: Okay, this is Brian interviewing Kavita

Brian: Okay, Kavita. First of all, what happened?
Kavita: What do you mean?
Brian: What was this whole big dramatic event that happened?
Kavita: It was when my dad passed away- that morning.
Brian: How'd that happen?
Kavita: He died of a heart attack and my mom found him at 6 in the morning.
Brian: What were your beliefs before all this happened?
Kavita: I don't know- I guess I never really thought much about it before. I didn't have a reason to think about it I guess. And it just changed the way I viewed everything.
Brian: How long ago was this event?
Kavita: It happened last November. The 6th to be exact.
Brian: Well what has change in you daily life?
Kavita: Different things. The way I view things, the way I appreciate other people, and for as far as religion goes, I probably lost some faith in god for all the tragedies in life.
Brian: How did you deal with this event?
Kavita: It's kind of hard because I'd never experienced anything like that before. I mean I lost my birth-mom too, but I was like a few months old so I don't remeber that. Um, I had tons of relatives around, like even that morning, everyone in the area came by and spent practically the whole day there. And I even had relatives that flew in from other countries and just having that support there really helped me through the whole deal.
Brian: Were you really religious before this?
Kavita: Kind of... I guess i asn't even that much before, but, my family had a very strong religeous point of view- not that strong, but to some degree. After my dad died I kind of wondered why I ever started to believe ever.
Brian: Do you think this event has changed you?

Kavita: It did because it brought me closer to my family like my step mom and my step brother as well as some of my other cousins actually, I never talked to some of them as much before, but I have a closer relationship with them now.
Brian: So would you say this changed you for the better or for the worse?
Kavita: Well, it changed me for the better in how I see other people, but I'll admit my academics did decline afterwards. But in the general scheme of things, I might say its better.
Brian: Well thank you very much for sharing that story with us.