Welcome to my Project Info Page! This page contains links and short introductions to all the websites I’ve made as a student at Freestyle Academy. As a Freestyle Senior, I'm going to create a total of eight websites.


link to my profile unit



Our first unit at Freestyle was the Self-Portrait Unit, where we set out to show who we were, using the new skills we were learning in all of our Freestyle classes.






Self-Portrait Unit


Our second unit at Freestyle was the Narrative Unit. In English, we created our own stories in narrative form. We then further developed our stories in Design and Web-Audio by making other projects centered around our narratives.







Our third unit at Freestyle was the Documentary Unit, where we each selected a location to base our documentary on. We were to connect our location to an issue and develop a stance on our location based on that issue. To help us with this overall mission, we conducted interviews and did research to gather evidence to support our stance.







Our fourth and last unit as Freestyle Juniors was the Experimental Unit. For this unit, we were exposed to conceptual art in Design, and meditation in English.








Music Video

My music video website will be completed in late January.

View my website.

My Narrative 2 website will be completed in late April.

View my website.