In Design class, we created a magazine article to show our profile paper in a visually pleasing way. We created the layouts in Adobe inDesign and then put in our profile papers. You can check mine out below!

For my media feature, I used Adobe After Effects to animate some of the photos that I took of Andre. I then recorded my profile paper in Pro Tools, added some background music, and put the two together. It took me a while to figure out how to properly animate the pictures, and as a result I ended up getting a bit repetitive, but all in all I'm pretty satisfied with how my media feature turned out. Check it out below!

Hello! This is my profile website that I made to showcase my subject, Andre Jia. Andre is my good friend who I have known since elementary school, and he currently goes to the Harker School. The reason I decided to showcase Andre is because he lives a very academic life, where there is a lot of pressure on him to succeed academically. I wanted to get into the mind of somebody for whom schoolwork takes up the great majority of their life.

For this website, I made three different forms of media to showcase what I did. The first is the media feature, which I made in Adobe After Effects by compiling some pictures I took for my project and reading the paper I wrote on Andre. It's quite interesting, I reccomend checking it out. I also made a photogallery to show all of the photos I took throughout this project. Lastly, I created a magazine article in Adobe inDesign, which features photos of my subject as well as my entire profile paper. You should check these out!

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