
Throughout the Conceptual unit, I was able to express myself in so many different ways! I was able to learn how to use new programs, such as ProTools, Premiere, and Adobe Photoshop. I also familiarized myself with new equiptment, such as DLSR Cameras, Tascam Audio Recorders, and much more! I used these skills to express myself through poetry, art, music, an experimental film, and other projects we developed throughout this unit.

In my film class, we were asked to create an Experimental Film based on a concept statement we were given during class. My statement was experiencing the feeling of envy through a loss. Before I started filming, I didn’t even know how to put my camera on my tripod! However, by the end I was a lot more experienced with using the equiptment and editing on Premiere. In our English class, we did several interesting projects during this unit. We analyzed many poems and eventually developed a few of our own. I learned many different poetry styles, and how to express myself through certain stylistic choices and sensory details. Lastly, Digital Media gave me a total new skill set that I didn’t have before. I learned how to create and develop my own website to put my projects on. I also was able to take photos on my DLSR camera, and then further edit them on Adobe Photoshop. We also learned how to use Pro Tools and create our own soundtracks. Digital Media furthered my knowledge on how to edit and create on my computer. I am extremely grateful for what I have learned during the Conceptual unit, and I am very excited to see what I learn next!


In my film class, our first major project was to create an Experimental Film based on the concept statement we got in English class. My statement was exploring the feeling of envy through a loss. Throughout this unit, I was able to develop my knowledge on different programs and equipment. I also learned more about Experimental films and how to convey an idea without directly showing it.


Photo Haiku:

Our first major project for Digital Media and English was our Photo Haiku. We were given a concept statement, and we then had to create a poem using the emotions associated with that statement. After, we created video including the poem and a photo using Premiere.

Editing in Premiere:

In Premiere, I created my Haiku Video. I put in my photo, and added the text of my haiku into it. Then, I introduced each line of my haiku at different times corresponding with my voice speaking over it. I added music at the end that fit the tone of the poem, and added effects to make the video run more smoothly. This project was really helpful for me because it taught me the basics of Premiere Pro and how to edit properly in it. I was able to incorporate sound, pictures, and effects to create a video!

Ekphrastic Poem

When we took a field trip to the SF MOMA, I found a painting that I liked and wrote an ekphrastic poem about it.

My Own Assortment
In this assignment, I learned how to write an Ekphrastic Poem based on a painting I was interested in. Then, I proceeded to use different skills, such as creating images on Adobe Photoshop and then use ProTools to add audio to it.

Editing in Adobe Photoshop

Editing audio in ProTools: