About Me

My name is Lemo Sekiguchi and through 2022-2024, I was a student at Los Altos High School and Freestyle Academy for Film. I was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan until the age of 7 when I moved to the US. Ever since I was little, I loved storytelling whether it was by making short skits with my friends or stealing my dad’s video camera and recording anything in my house. My work explores childhood nostalgia along with authentic experiences often left out in the media and in history, representing marginalized groups who’ve been silenced, exploring characters whose identities challenge normativity in oppressed environments.

I’m so grateful to all the staff at Freestyle who created an incredible program for students like me who wanted to go into art as a career– Freestyle not only pushed me, but also made me experiment with my creativity to figure out the kinds of stories I was interested in telling. It allowed me to understand my strengths and weaknesses as an artist through collaboration and solo work. I will take the lessons I learned with me to my future projects. Thank you so much to all the staff for continuing to make Freestyle an amazing place to come into every morning/afternoon.