Narrative 1

For the Visual Narrative Unit at Freestyle, I learned how to create and express a story through visuals instead of dialogue. In digital media I expanded my Adobe skills by learning Illustrator which allowed me to create digital drawings. In English, I wrote a short story and in the process of it, I learned a lot about true character, plot mapping, and more. Lastly, in Film I created a visual narrative film which was a lot of hard work.

Exquisite Corpse

Illustration Project

My inspiration for this project was summer and its carefree and fun nature. I wanted to make stickers so I could put them on things and personalize objects. Some struggles I encountered with this project was using the pen tool and the fill tool because sometimes it would fill color in weird shapes or cover the whole thing. I overcame this by adjusting my pen lines and refilling them. I am most proud of this project because it really shows how much I have learned on Illustrator and my skills of using the different tools while expressing my creativity.

Summer Stickers
Screenshot of my Adobe Illustrator file

Parody Song

For this project, we were asked to make a parody and to create new lyrics to a song of our choice. I worked with Jessie and Julia and we picked the song, Let The Light In by Lana Del Ray because we all love her music and it’s very catchy. Next, we had to come up with our song lyrics and we chose to sing about freestyle. After we finished the lyrics, Mr. Flo helped us record it in the studio. Lastly, we added some background sound effects. This was a very fun project and I learned a lot about making music. You can listen to our parody below, enjoy!

Screenshot from Adobe Audition file
Me, Jessie, and Julia in the recording studio singing our parody
  • Provide the viewer with some context about your work in your elective class.
  • What were you challenged to produce? What did you value from the specific process and production in your elective class? Anyone you wish to thank?

Griffith Scene

For the griffith scene, we were assigned to show our new skills of setting up a scene using Griffith’s pattern. This pattern introduces a location/scene for the audience. It starts with a wide shot, followed by a medium shot, then introduce the characters.

Suspense Scene

The suspense scene was a short film group assignment that allowed us to show our knowledge and understanding of how to evoke emotions of fear and suspense. An important aspect of suspense is to not give away the scare to early. You want to build up fear and maybe even show the audience what a character in the film doesn’t know. I worked with Julia, Thomas, and Ben and we created a suspense scene about a monster in an abandoned house.

Chase Scene

The chase scene was a short individual film assignment to show our understanding of film language, especially the 180 rule. Leading up to this project we learned different film rules to follow that help not break the suspension of disbelief. I decided to do my chase scene using bikes and have my friends act.


The narrative film project was the biggest film I had created so far. I spent months working with my film partner, Julia, on pre-production, production, and post-production. We came up with our ballet story and wrote a synopsis to get our idea approved by Mr. Taylor. We then created a story board for our film to help plan out our shots. We picked actors who could dance and used the YMCA dance studio to film. Connecting to what we have done in English and Digital Media, this project was a visual narrative which meant no dialogue. This made filming and connecting with the audience difficult, but we have learned to tell a story through only visual. This project was a lot of work but I am proud of how it turned out.

Click image to read full synopsis pdf
Storyboard cards created for my visual narrative film.


After we finished the narrative film, we were asked to make a trailer. Unlike the visual narrative, the trailer was an individual project. I created this trailer by finding fitting and dramatic music along with my favorite clips from the film.

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