About this Podcast:
“Munching with Marie” is a podcast for foodies, by a foodie. This specific episode dives into trying three smoothie recipes and debunking juice cleanse myths.

Podcaster Bio:
Marie is a student at Freestyle Academy and Los Altos High School. In addition to her passion for photography and design, Marie loves to expand her creativity in the kitchen through experimenting with new ingredients and recipes. She also enjoys swimming, running, hiking, skiing, and exploring the outdoors.

Introduction section:
The Podcast project serves as a way for students to share their thoughts on a meaningful topic to them. Podcasts are powerful tools to both learn from others and provide insight for others, as they are easily accessible to many. I really enjoy listening to podcasts like “Hey, Stranger” by Thoraya Maronesy where she asks strangers personal questions; it’s really interesting to hear everyone’s unique stories, backgrounds, and experiences. Originally I had hoped to do a podcast like that, but due to COVID-19 I decided to take a safer alternative. The podcast world has expanded and evolved so much over the past few years that there is something for everyone. 

Process section:
Two of the smoothies made and reviewed in the podcast:

I really valued the freedom that this project gave us to research our own topic and create a podcast about anything. I’m very glad we had the opportunity to make our own podcast episode and would definitely consider making some in the future again. Advice that I have to new podcasters is to be open to fixing your script as you record and don’t be afraid to re-record and fix things as you go! Don’t worry if you stray away from the script a bit because in the end it might sound more natural.