Maya B


my project: miniatures

In the audio above, I read aloud the text inserted below.

step 1: inspiration

For my Zenith Project, I decided to immerse myself in the creation process of miniatures, which are small-scale models of objects arranged to form miniature settings. Ever since I first began to subconsciously admire unique art forms, I have taken great interest in miniatures, which slowly grew into an enduring fascination. As a child, I would make the effort to collect as many dollhouse structures as I could, excited by the realistic, meticulous spaces they contained. It wasn’t until the pandemic hit that I realized this excitement was for the miniature structures themselves, as I avidly watched videos of miniaturists assembling spaces in my abundant free time. However, due to my lack of confidence, time, and experience in physical structure building, I refrained from attempting to create custom structures. In reflecting on the fact that the Zenith project was a chance to explore a passion-invoking, unfamiliar form of art, I decided that this project would be the perfect opportunity to fully delve into creating miniatures of my own.

step 2: project planning

I started by creating rough sketches of my initial idea, which consisted of building a miniature living room and kitchen. At this point in the process, I was heavily influenced by miniaturists Joshua Smith and Lori Nix. Nix’s work was notably intriguing, as she incorporates a modern, urban twist in desiging her own small scale models of large cities such as New York. It wasn’t long before I began to focus my lens on a specific category of miniatures called Book Nooks, which are essentially compact mini spaces built within the confines of a hollow book spine. The final piece slides between two books in a case and serves to represent a miniature world that exists within the shelves.

I decided to pursue the fabrication of two, unique Book Nooks which contain a vintage library and garden house setting, respectively. In addressing themes, I circled back to my younger days once more as I drew from aesthetic vintage library shots from beloved fictional worlds, such as those portrayed in Beauty And The Beast. Regarding the garden theme, I was heavily inspired by miniature fairy houses that appear in Disney movies such as Tinkerbell: The Lost Treasure.  To initiate the process of fabricating my dream Book Nooks, I created a calendar for my overall project, in which I outlined a rough schedule of the portions I set to have completed by certain dates in order to stay on track. I then created rough sketches of unique accessories and components that I wanted to incorporate into my Book Nooks.

step 3: building

As for the building process, I first focused on foundations as I purchased sets of wood that could be assembled to form miniature structures and even larger furniture pieces. I also purchased garden and library themed Book Nook kits on Amazon to serve as a starting point. In order to bind and sever the pieces, I used building tools such as superglue, accelerator to enhance the strength of adhesive, cutting blades, and sandpaper. I endured plenty of trial and error regarding  specific tools used for the job; for instance, before discovering a gel-form of super glue, I pursued hot glue, which would clump up and string out, followed by wood glue, which would smear and dry at an inefficient rate. I also learned about glue accelerator, which is a spray that is applied atop glue to enhance its binding abilities. Regarding accessories, I identified certain components that proved aesthetic for my furniture layouts, and layered components from my themed kits along with other finds to achieve this. For the vintage library, I wrapped sticker book covers around blocks of wood. To add a unique touch, I sized and I printed some of my own book covers, which represent classic books that I enjoy such as Anne of Green Gables and Little Women. I also assembled furniture pieces such as tables, and outdoor tool cabinets for the garden. From my research, I learned how important details are in creating realistic miniatures, and proceeded to include dozens of accessories ranging anywhere from visible lights to tiny rolled up newspapers. To add additional windows, I trimmed plastic and inserted pieces into the bookcase lining of my vintage library, as well as the walls of my garden house. Another key aspect of creating miniature-world realism was to ensure that the little components were compact, so as to make the setting appear cluttered and worn in. When I stacked and glued accessories into the hollow confines of my book spine, I worked my way from the back to the front by combining and placing accessories to create the homey sense of a used living space. I stacked accessories not only horizontally but vertically, from the lights at the ceiling to carpet lining the floor. Accessories for the garden Book Nook included gardening shelves, tools and shovels, rows of plants, and botanical wall art. My vintage library Book Nook also contained posters and wall art, along with book shelves, seating, and a coffee mug. All of these miniature components came together to create my final settings. As a final touch, I implemented real working lights at the end using LEDs.

final products

step 4: reflection

Looking back, this project heavily acquainted me with physical building, cutting, and assembly, all of which presented learning curves within the process. I learned how to work with tools and practice safety, which, for me, included the use of non-stick gloves and even filtering masks. During assembly, I grew familiar with aspects of interior design, and began to understand how large of an impact layout has on the final appeal of the setting. In arranging these miniature components, I quickly learned what aided me in achieving my desired look and what brought me farther from it. As I put the bittersweet finishing touches on my vintage library and garden Book Nooks, I realized how much I enjoyed the process itself. I hope to continue pursuing all kinds of physical art and dive further into the construction of miniatures as I passionately create in the future.

zenith presentation

Watch Me Present My Zenith Project To The Freestyle Class of 2024!