1/50 f5.6 ISO1000

When I first found out what hydrangeas were when I was little, I was confused by them. Since flowers usually appear, in warm and nice weather, I was so shocked that a flower that bloomed in the rainy seasons existed. Since I lived in Japan when I was little, I always associated the season of June with hydrangea flowers. June is the rainy season in Japan, so this is when hydrangeas appear the most. Although most people think of sunny weather, the beach, and sunflowers as things that symbolize the start of summer, I think of rain, teruterubouzu, and hydrangea flowers.

I really like how the composition of this photo turned out. I followed the rule of thirds when taking this picture, and put the flower on 2/3 of the space. I think the blue of the flowers and the green on the leaves contrast well with each other. To edit this photo, I added a screen layer to brighten it up.

By mayay