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    Illustration Project

    My Narrative flash fiction story is about a girl so caught up in the responsibilities of school and extracurricular activities that she doesn’t take the time to look around and enjoy life. The turning point in the story occurs when she becomes so stressed and tired that she crashes her car and stumbles into the woods, falling into a  tranceful delusion of her turning into the trees and nature around her. Overall, the process was very difficult for me, though I feel the hard work paid off. Initially, I started sketching the dress, which turned out to be a lot more ornate than I thought, taking much longer to accomplish…

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    Narrative 1 Project

    After months of storyboarding, writing, and filming, film students were to create a Narrative short. Along with creating a movie, all freestyle students wrote a short story in English and created a visual representation in design to demonstrate our main character from the story.