
Hello and welcome to my Showcase page! Below are two of my favorite productions from being at Freestyle for the past year! These projects are both from my Film Production class, where I have learned a lot about scheduling, time management, and the full process of directing and producing a film. I used Adobe Premier Pro and After Effects to produce the projects below.

Senior Narrative: “Obsessed”

The senior narrative project was probably the biggest and hardest project of the year. It took a very long time to complete, and it also took a lot of work. The purpose of the project was for each of us to partner up and create a short film. We did the writing, planning, scheduling, directing and editing of each of our films, and we were also expected to collaborate with each other to get them done. My film, “Obsessed” was directed and edited by me as well as my friend, Madi Gubser. We created a darker, horror-like film that follows the story of a girl being talked by another classmate. We focused a lot on our shots and what they looked like, as well as our choice in actors and actresses in order to make the audience feel afraid as well. By completing this project, I learned the most about time management and scheduling, which helped me a lot in my Zenith project as well.

Here is my film below:

Zenith Project: “A Cool Light Saber Battle!”

The second work I would like to display is my Zenith project. This project was not supposed to be as big and daunting as Senior Narrative, but it was supposed to be the best project that displays all of our knowledge that we have learned throughout Freestyle. Taking a lot from what I learned in Senior Narrative, I was ready to take on this project with more organization and confidence.

For my Zenith project, I decided I wanted to explore special effects. I was going to put together a video displaying a bunch of different effects, but with Covid-19 in the way, I had to stick with one effect: Star Wars light sabers. I filmed a short fight scene with some of my friends with their fake light sabers, and then I put the footage into After Effects to animate the light sabers and make them look real.

Below is a video of how I made my Zenith project and how I came up with the idea (there is a tiny tutorial of how to make a light saber too!). My actual Zenith project video is at 6:21 if you just want to watch that! Please enjoy!!

Short Reflection:

Creating these projects in Freestyle was an amazing experience and it has taught me a lot about collaboration, time management, scheduling and independence. Also, after creating these projects, I realized that film is something I truly have a passion for and now I really want to pursue it in the future, and hopefully find a carer in it too. I am so grateful to have been able to be a part of Freestyle, and to learn all of the things I have learned and to have been able to meet and befriend so many people. Thanks to Freestyle, I feel much better prepared to go into the next stage of my life.