Home Short Story Animatic


Photo Narrative Illustration Projects

Welcome to my Narrative Website!

On this webisite, my work will be posted from Freestyle Academy's Narrtive Unit. Just as it sounds, this unit is focused on narration, as in the tellng of a story. I have created many differnt projects for this unit using a variety of programs, such as Adobe Flash CS4, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Dreamweaver CS4. Each project tells an individual story, although many of them, if not all, are connected or related in some way.


~Short Story ~


My short story was the begining of our Narrative Unit. I began it with the idea of having some type of a lesson involved. Although the lesson didn't really stick, it is present and I believe it turned out into a pretty good story, even if it has a few faults.



After we wrote our short story, I got together with an old friend of mine to begin our animation. Through our combined thinking, we were able to form an animatic, or a really rough draft version of our animation. Don't let the poor sound quality and funky drawings get to you, it's a rough draft, so we made it so that it still has some things that need to be worked out.



After going through our animatic and present materials multiple times, we solidified our story and began the creation of our animation. After long hours of hard work, we got our animation backgrounds for each scene. After many more hours, we had our characters and objects in place. After an eternity of staring at a small computer screen, we had all animations in place, thus concluding our 3 minute animation.

~Photo Narrative~


At the same time as the Animatic, we were told to create a diptych photo that depics a story of our choice, as long as it has a conflict and a "pregnent pause." After forming a story and coming up with lighting ideas for the photos, I went to find actors or models for my images. Although I ended up slacking off a bit, I was able to take a massive load of pictures a day or two before then deadline. Talk about cutting it close, especiallly with all the edits I had to do.



Approximetly half way through our creation of our animation, we recieved another project to create a drawing in Adobe Illustrator that represents our animation. Although our animation was abstract as it was, we were told to make our illustration even more abstract by replacing our symbols with other symbols. Luckily, we had a general idea for what our original symbols stood for.