Morgan's Projects

Hello, my name is Morgan. I recently joined Freestyle as a first year senior.

This website was the first WebAudio project I completed while at Freestyle. It uses jQuery, Javascript and Adobe DreamWeaver to link to the 4 major websites I have made. Each website uses the skills I have learned in Web/Audio, English and Design to explore a different topic.

Picture of me
Pianochocolate - long long letter (Pianochocolate) / CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

In the profile project, we selected a member of the community to interview. I chose Michael Schuh, a mentor on the MVHS FIRST robotics team who has also participated in several other robotics programs.

We composed a written profile in English, set up a website using Adobe DreamWeaver in Web/Audio, and created a magazine layout in Adobe InDesign in Design. In addition, we used Google Presentation to create a presentation about our profilee and our own experience with this project.

Picture of Website
Go to Profile Page
Music Video

The goal of this project was to work in teams of 4 to 5 web/audio and film students to produce an music video. We worked together to write, record, and mix an original song, then to plan, shoot, and edit the music video. Together, my band and I created the band Fatal Error.

Picture of Website
Go to Music Video Page
Narrative II

The Narrative 2 Unit was focused on telling stories through dialogue. In English we wrote a story told from three different perspective, created a book jacket for that story in Design, and animated the story in Web/Audio.

After finishing our stories, we explored surrealism by reading Ionesco's Rhinoceros and producing our own pieces of surrealist art.

We then read Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink and created a series of quick writes and art pieces that we merged together to create a final piece of art.

Picture of Website
Go to Narrative Page
During this unit we reflected on our time at Freestyle and the projects we had worked on. We selected a focus such as design or writing and then chose the projects we were most proud of and felt best reflected our growth. We then presented these works to a panel of professionals. I chose to present on design.
Picture of Website
Go to Portfolio Page