This is who I am.....

Hey, I'm Nic and as I hope you've noticed this is my self portrait website. The purpose of this website was to demostrate a bit more about who I am. The buttons I chose were pencils because of my love for drawing. Drawing has always been a hobby of mine but I never thought anything of it, until I heard about freestyle. On my podcast page you'll see the image of the fortune cookie with the words "I can't expect my life to be sketeched out", if you listen to the explanation you'll find out I didn't apply to freesytle until near the end of the summer, which was a huge mistake. The point being, I've had a passion for art my whole life and when I was given an opportunity to take advantage of it I walked away. The background for my website is paper airplanes, on diptych page you can read more about what that means to me, all in all though this page not only shows what I like, but what I am like as well.

Making this website wasn't the most efficient proccess. To make it we used a program called dreamweaver, and if I could have 1 word to explain it would be "lost". Ultimately I was able to get my pages functioning and complete but the proccess was far from effiecient. I'll admit I spent a lot of time sitting in my seat telling myself "I have so much left to do, I should really stop watching twitch right now". Although the proccess was grueling and for a while my website make me sad to look at, I was able to get it done and I can say I'm proud.

If you've made it this far I hope you enjoy the rest of the site!

I can't expect my life to be sketched out

In English we were asked to take one of our "10 things I've learned in Life so Far" and write a poem about it. The poem was written in English and later modified in Webaudio and turned into a recording as well. We were told to create a background for the poem to represent the central image.