
Hello! My name is Owen Leahy, I am a design student at Freestyle Academy. Since being at Freestyle I have been able to explore and foster my creativity and develop my love for design. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, creating fun little illustrations as well as harvesting my design skills and working on Freestyle Projects. Another thing about me is that I love to be engaging in social activities and being a part of a community, being collaborative has allowed me to work well with others.

For my Showcase video, I wanted to show off my marketing campaign, where we used Adobe Illustrator to create our logo, and label and use other applications like Placeit to create Tripticks for merchandise mockups. After we put all of them together and made a magazine ad to encapsulate all of the different elements. The reason why I wanted to use our marketing project is because I had the most fun creating it but also want to enter college with a marketing background for my major.  

I would love to gather some feedback to find ways that I can improve my work and also carry this knowledge into my college experience. I would like to know how I can make my campaign stand out better in the crowd, how it can be improved, and if there are different techniques that I should use to make the campaign better than it was before. More importantly what jobs I should think about and what professions that I should look into, but also if there are any internships I should look out for, etc.

My next four years of school I will be attending Loyola Marymount University in the fall of 2024. Studying Digital Marketing in the School of Business. I plan on using this foundation to give me a foot in the door and additional background knowledge to be that I can be in my perfusion. My email is ( please feel free to reach out to me!

Showcase Video

Artist Statement, For the Marketing Campaign

For this project, we were tasked to create a brand, boundless creative possibilities and a clear vision guided my approach. I sought to create a representation that resonated with power, energy, and excitement. I choose the embodiment of this, what more than chili crunch oil, something that adds a bold spicy flavor. I created the mockups for each aspect of my brand. I started with the variety of jars that would hold the “Munch Crunch”. – my chili crunch oil. Afterward, I want to make something that everyone who indulges in Munch Crunch can wear and display to the public without even eating it. A tote bag, you can carry all your goods while showing off my brand at any time. For my final mockup, I made a takeaway box, it’s something you can save for later. So at any time of the night, you can have the spice and tanginess of Munch Crunch.

Creating every mockup was not an easy task, I ran into countless problems. My biggest challenge was creating a brand that would give the consumer a feeling of power and heat just by looking at labels. I needed to make something that would stand out in a crowd, just like how Munch Crunch would stand out. So after changing the font size and the colors that would be going out behind the text I finally came up with the final label. But it was also hard coming up with different mockups that would work without taking away the attention from the actual brand. For the creation of this product, I used Adobe Illustrator, Plackit, along with Adobe Photoshop. I made the logo and label in Adobe Illustrator and used Plackit for the mockups.

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