

The purpose of this explorations project was to explore something that was interesting to me but also completely new. In order to explore this new area, I used the skills that I have learned at freestyle, approaching the project witha creative mind.

For my project, I decided to explore songwriting and production. I have been interested in songwriting for a while, but I never capitalized on this interest. This project enabled me to do so, and I dove right into it. By exposing myself to the techniques and skills involved in songwriting, I have learned much about the process and grown my interest in the topic.

The Process

To begin writing a song, I purchased a blank notebook to write down all my ideas. I listened to other music for inspiration, and whenever I came up with a lyric or melody, I would write it down. In this notebook I also wrote down the key of my song and the corresponding chords, and from this I wrote a chord progression. The hardest part of writing the song was the chorus, as I wanted to create something that the listener would remember.

Had to be Over


The Explorations project has enabled me to enter the world of song writing and production. I faced a multitude of challenges when writing my song. These included not knowing anything about what a key is or how a chord progression works, and not being able to get the exact sound I wanted when recordingI will use what I have learned from this project to improve future songs and create them the exact way that I want them to.

Freestyle has made many new interests apparent to me. Coinciding with this is a whole new set of careers. Freestyle allows me to do things that I most likely never would have done without, and it is one of the most beneficial programs a student could be involved in.