

Hello to you, hello to all; it seems as if you have stumbled on my project catalogue website. Here you will explore what I have created and its my deepest hope that you all enjoy what I have produced here at freestyle academy. Here you will be able to explore things about me and see how much I have grown within the realm of Freestyle. As you may have already figured out, freestyle Academy has a very different type of high school experience, It offers me a unique chance to explore who I am and what I want to be. Unlike many schools freestyle has provided an array of different ways of expressing myself. One of those is through Web-Audio. This class at the root is for creating music and for creating this website you see right here. Within my abilities to harness web-audios and for the most part freestyle “Project based learning style” I have been able to explore myself in a different medium than ever before. I have With this discovered character comes the gift of thinking deeper.With in the enrollment of freestyle I have learned so much about design writing and expression.

To extend on the skills I have learned here at freestyle my far I have learned the most in my web audio class. I have learned about so many programs. We first learned how to use things like garage band and how it operates. Then we learned about how we can use Dreamweaver to make websites. After that we also learned how to use photoshop and how all these programs can work in harmony

Hello this is my Self-Portrait website!!! Here you will find a website that has been composed of many different elements that cohesively combined to illuminate who I am as a person and a citizen. Here you will find book filled with things about me; for example I have poems, Websites I frequent, I information on my family and photo galleries of my Work. Click on the image below to explore who I am as a person.
Narrative 1
This is my narrative one project page. This is our first Narrative unit here at freestyle and it the only narrative unit in our junior year. Within this unit we were prompted to write a narrative story; however, rather than being a normal narrative it was a flash fiction (very short story). This story like a narrative has a theme a central message and a overall learning experience. Within this unit I was able to learn how to make this possible, we used this flash fiction as our core concept for the other things we did. We did storyboards animations to use different mediums to get our story and out central message across. Visit to see my story and animation

This third project of junior year was our documentary project. By far this is one of the projects I am most proud of. We had to conduct multiple interviews about a location in the bay area. I then learned about indesign and how to publish a book. Overall this was one of the most rewarding projects. Click to explore!! Dig in!

Click on the Image below to see the project!!!!


This was our experimental project. This last and final project of junior year was really focusing on doing alternative art, and forms of art. We were given may different prompts that we had to create all are projects within this unit based on this prompt. This was by far one of the most challenging units but in a hole it grew me so much as an individual and as an artist. Look at the new style of art I was able to discover and to create. Click on the Image below to see my last junior Project.
With this project we were challenged to profile someone who was influential to the community and was someone that we could get their voice. I chose to do Allison Hatasaki who I know personally. She had a lot of unique stories and personality traits. Because of this I based my project on her and used all my skills learned at Freestyle Academy. Click the Image to see my website and learn the story of Allison!
check out my amazing website!!!!!!
Music Video
Music Video graphic

This is my Music video project in which we did our first group work project in WebAudio and then

check out my amazing website!!!!!!
Narrative 2
Narrative 2 graphic
My Music video will be completed in late april

My Portfolio unit was a great reflection on what freestyle was about and what it has taught me. On this website you will see how much I have grown in the corse of being here at Freestyle Academy and how it applies to the 21st century.