Rachael Waldman Kiselev

Hello, and welcome to my website! I am a first year senior at Freestyle Academy and am in the WebAudio program.Throughout my projects, I make use of programs such as InDesign, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver (which, conviniently enough, was used to create this website). Outside of school, I can be found at the ice rink, at my work, or at home in bed with my cat. I hope you enjoy viewing what I've created here, and hope my personality comes through here!


in progress.... check back soon!


my profile project is on a member of society that i feel has made a drmatic impact in a positive way, and deserves recognition for their efforts. through interviews and general conversation as well as observation, i have compiled a fairly complete profile of this individual.









in progress... check back soon!

in progress.... check back soon!
in progress... check back soon!